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Decision Science

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Decision Science Associations

Decision Analysis Society

The Society promotes the development and use of logical methods for the improvement of decision-making in public and private enterprise. Such methods include models for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty or multiple objectives; techniques of risk analysis and risk assessment; experimental and descriptive studies of decision-making behavior; economic analysis of competitive and strategic decisions; techniques for facilitating decision-making by groups; and computer modeling software and expert systems for decision support. Our members include practitioners, educators, and researchers with backgrounds in engineering, business, economics, statistics, psychology, and other social and applied sciences. Website

Association for Infomation Systems

The Association for Information Systems (AIS) founded in 1994, is a professional organization whose purpose is to serve as the premier global organization for academics specializing in Information Systems. The need for such an organization was first spelled out in an editorial authored by five past Editor's-in-Chief of the Management Information Systems Quarterly in March of 1993. Bill King, of the University of Pittsburgh, was first among many to play key leadership roles ` in bringing the association into existence. He served as the first president. Website

Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS investigators, scientists, students, educators, and managers, as well as the institutions they serve, by such services as publishing a variety of journals that describe the latest OR/MS methods and applications and by organizing professional conferences. The Institute also serves as a focal point for OR/MS professionals, permitting them to communicate with each other and to reach out to other professional societies and to the varied clientele of the profession's research and practice. Website

Jill Werdell Spreitzer

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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