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Performance as Research: Knowledge, Methods, Impact

by Annette Arlander (Editor), Bruce Barton (Editor), Melanie Dreyer-Lude (Editor), Ben Spatz (Editor)

Performance as Research (PAR) is characterised by an extraordinary elasticity and interdisciplinary drive. Performance as Research: Knowledge, Methods, Impact celebrates this energy, bringing together chapters from a wide range of disciplines and eight different countries. This volume focuses explicitly on three critical, often contentious themes that run through much discussion of PaR as a discipline:

  • Knowledge - the areas and manners in which performance can generate knowledge
  • Methods - methods and methodologies for approaching performance as research
  • Impact - a broad understanding of the impact of this form of research

These themes are framed by four essays from the book's editors, contextualising their interrelated conversations, teasing out common threads, and exploring the new questions that the contributions pose to the field of performance. As both an intervention into and extension of current debates, this is a vital collection for any reader concerned with the value and legitimacy of performance as research.


Permalink Last updated 10/15/2018 by P. Higo

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