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Adding an announcement in Blackboard Ultra is probably one of the first things you will do when you create your course. It's a great way to...
Blackboard is a web-based platform that enables instructors to offer course content; post and collect assignments, including online tests; provide...
The assignment tool lets you collect work from your students for grading. Almost any file type can be collected via the assignment tool -- Word...
Announcements are a great way to provide timely course information and stay in touch with your students. By default, a course announcement will...
Whether building or maintaining a course site, one of the most common activities is adding files and blocks of text. Depending on the content...
Just like on your desktop (or laptop or even in your filing cabinet), Blackboard folders are the best way to organize content and keep similar items...
The Instructional Design Studio provides the Detroit Mercy community with Blackboard training and support. IDS provides individual and small group...
Blackboard is the center of the online learning experience at the University of Detroit Mercy. Its the online location where you'll interact with...
If your username and password work on My Portal but not on Blackboard, then it may be that your Blackboard account is inactive. Student Bb...
Use your Detroit Mercy Office 365 username and password to log in to Blackboard. You also use this information to log into to...
A Blackboard course site is set to unavailable until the professor turns it on. While some faculty may make course sites available before or at the...