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Fr. Edward J. Dowling, S.J. Marine Historical Collection

Browse by Engine type


(Twin) Steeple compound (on one shaft)


2)Steeple compound (1883)with 36 inch stroke, 20 inch and 40 inch diameter pistons


Beam (crosshead) (EH)

Beam condensing

Beam, condensing

Beam, low pressure

Beam, low pressure condensing


Compound, 3 Cyl

Coumpound uniflow, (twin)

Cross-head, L.P.

Crosshead, low pressure


Diesel & electric motor [twin]

Diesel (120 hp)

Diesel (2)

Diesel (4)

Diesel (4), 12 cyl

Diesel (4, geared to 1 shaft)

Diesel (electric motors)

Diesel (twin)

Diesel (twin), 6 cyl.

Diesel (twin), 6 cylinder

Diesel (twin), 8 cylinders

Diesel 10000 HP (8 engines connected to electric motors)

Diesel 12 cylinder

Diesel and electric motors

Diesel electric

Diesel twin 12 cylinders

Diesel [twin]

Diesel, (350 horsepower)

Diesel, (OPP. District)

Diesel, (twin)

Diesel, 2

Diesel, twin

Direct acting

Double low pressure

Double non-condensing

Double steeple compound

Double, high pressure

Fore & Aft

Fore and Aft

Fore and Aft (4)

Fore and Aft (twin)

Fore and Aft (Twin)

Fore and Aft compound

Fore and aft compound (3)

Fore and Aft Compound (from Monarch built 1884)

Fore and Aft, (twin)

Fore and Aft, compound


High pressure

High pressure N.C.

High pressure non-condensing

High pressure, condensing

High pressure, non condensing

High pressure, non condensing (twin)

High pressure, non condensing replaced at some point with a diesel

High pressure, non condensing, replaced with a diesel

High pressure, non-condensing

High pressure, non-condensing replaced by a diesel in 1963

Horiz., N. C.

Horizontal, condensing, twin

Horizontal, simple

Inclined compound

Inclined Condensation

L. P. Beam

L. P. Crosshead

Lentz Poppet Valve

Lentz, 4 cyl

Low pressure beam

Low pressure, horizontal (twin)


Oil (Motor) "Hot Bulb"

Original: High pressure, non-condensing from tug Excelsior 1892. Re-engined with diesel from General Motors Corp.

Quad expansion, (twin)

Quadruple expansion

Quadruple expansion, 1700 HP.


Simple condition

Simple, condensing

Simple, non compound


Steam turbine

Steam turbine, 3 cyl

Steam turbine, direct gears

Steeple compound

Steeple Compound

Steeple compound (second engine 1889, first engine unknown)

Steeple compound (twin)

Steeple copmpound, (Inclined)

Steeple, compound

Triple expansion

Triple Expansion

Triple expansion, 2000 HP

Triple expansion, 900 HP

Triple expansion, inclined


Turbine (Dr. Gears)

Turbine (electric motors)

Turbine, 2 cylinder

Turbines, {twin}

Turbo electric, 6000 hp.

Twin diesel

Twin Fore & Aft 3cyl.

Twin, (uniflow)


Vertical beam

Vertical direct-acting

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