Clark, John J.; Cook, John G.; De Galan, Frederick S.; Egan, Francis M.; Friedl, Richard, S. J.; Gabriels, John A.; Kearns, Edward D.; Lawless, D. C.; Milligan, Clarence P.; Monaghan, Peter J.; Moynihan, Michael A.; Nonus; Pesha; Riopelle, Oscar A.; Walsh, Howard T.; White, Francis P.
"In Pulverem Reverteris"; "The Sands O' Dee"; Alumni Notes; Book Notices; Burke's "Conciliation" Speech; Characters; Chez Nous; Chez Nous. The College Play; College Athletics; Death of Rev. M. J. Sullivan; Editorial. Detroit's Bicentenary; Exchanges; Items of College History; Nugatory; Old Niagara; Our Companions; Philalethic; Philomathic; Reading; Scepticism and Sceptics; Some Dates; The College Drama; The Great Pacificator; The Monk's Vision; Thomas Gray
Volume: 2
Number: 5