Margaret Chase Smith, former U.S. representative and senator, accumulated a number of firsts in her political career. Serving as representative from Maine from 1940-48 and then senator from 1949-73, she was the first and only woman elected to both the House and the Senate; the only woman elected to the Senate for more than two terms; the first woman nominated President at the Republican National Convention; and the first woman elected to a leadership post in the Senate. Known as the “Conscience of the Senate”, she held the longest consecutive roll-call voting record of 2,941 votes without a miss. Others have recognized her achievements by naming her to the Gallup Poll of the Tent Most Admired Women of the World more often than anyone else. She holds a similar record in the Harris Poll of Most Respected Women. She has received a score of awards and honors, and more honorary degrees (86) than any other person. The author of two books, Declaration of conscience (1972) and Gallant Women (1966), she has been called one of America’s most effective ambassadors of goodwill.
Award was presented at the President's Cabinet Fifteenth Annual Awards Dinner, May 7, 1982.