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President's Cabinet Award



In establishing the Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital Kidney Center in 1969, you opened the doors to one of the finest facilities of its kind in the country. Over the years thousands of patients have received treatment there, regardless of ability to pay. Your efforts to promote ongoing advancement in the field do not end with your role as a second term President of the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, but extend through your association with several outstanding professional organizations. Today, you are Co-Chief of Nephrology at Mount Carmel Hospital as well as active staff member of Sinai Hospital of Detroit and a consultant at Providence Hospital in Southfield. Yet, you still find time to educate the medical minds of tomorrow as an instructor at Wayne State University and Mercy College of Detroit. You have given so much to so many. We are pleased to give this recognition to you.
Award was presented at the President's Cabinet Nineteenth Annual Awards Dinner, May 3, 1986.

University of Detroit

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