Vice President, D.P. Brown and Company
Honorary Degree of Mechanical Engineer
Upon William Westervelt Nichols, who in a lifetime spent in mechanical industry and its direction in America and Great Britain, has developed into an outstanding figure in the profession of mechanical design, creative engineering and industrial management; who during his long and active career has devoted much time and energy to the consideration and direction of the human element in American industry, not only in the field of its economics, but also in that of the education of an oncoming generation; and who by his contributions to the literature of industrial management and towards the solution of problems of industrial control has won merit and recognition not only in his own country, but among his fellow professionals of foreign nations, I by the authority in me vested as President of the University of Detroit confer the degree of Mechanical Engineer, honoris causa, and enroll him on the list of those whom the University of Detroit has deemed worthy of special distinction. Commencement, University of Detroit, June 10, 1932.