Louise Muendelein-Riley. Major: Nursing, Minor: Natural Sciences GPA: 3.82. Louise has been a very motivated, self-directed and positive student. She has demonstrated leadership in her clinical group, theory class, and in her work setting. Louise exemplifies the Mercy philosophy in her caring contacts with others. She is a supporter of and spokesperson for Mercy College and the Division of Nursing. Her first degree from Mercy, a BS in Health Services, was awarded December of 1977. To further enhance her own skills, she received a Master’s in Human Services from the University of Detroit in 1979. Then, because she believed very strongly that nursing is a profession she enrolled in Mercy’s BSN program. She felt that the curriculum would give her new perspectives on nursing and help her at the hospital with the orientation of new graduates and the recruitment and retention of nurses.
Louise has been active in helping Mercy’s graduating seniors with interviewing techniques and hiring information and has been very involved as a community volunteer promoting health enhancement.
The award was presented by Sr. Maureen A. Fay, O.P., President, Mercy College of Detroit on May 14, 1988.