Title: Colored American - June 2, 1838
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)
The writer tells his readers that those opposed to the work of abolitionists have accused them of increasing prejudice. He believes the only change that may be influencing prejudice is that the rights provided to African Americans in the past as "favors" are now demanded by them as part of their civil rights as members of a free society. The shift in perspective is proving difficult for some white citizens to make.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page
Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Civil rights; Slavery; United States--History--19th century
Keywords: abolition; benevolence; Church; Civil rights; inferiority; kindness; prejudice; property
Publication type: editorials; Newspapers