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Title: James Theodore Holly

Speaker or author: Holly, James Theodore

Newspaper or publication: Presscopy -- New York Public Library -- Schomburg Collection

Speech detailing the history of the Haitian revolution given in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the Negro race, and disprove ideas regarding the inequality of races in terms of intelligence and ability.

Description of file(s): PDF 44 page, 14,391 word document (text and images)

Title: James Theodore Holly

Speaker or author: Holly, James Theodore

Newspaper or publication: African Repository

Sermon in tribute of Bishop Francis Burns, emphasizing his successful career and missionary work in Africa.

Description of file(s): PDF 5 page, 3,407 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore Gross

Speaker or author: Gross, Theodore, Rev.

Newspaper or publication: Watchman and Weslayan Advertiser

Detailed account of one man's experience with slavery.

Description of file(s): PDF 8 page, 2,255 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Friend of Man

Speech against the idea of the colonization of Africa by freed slaves and the societies that have been organized to promote it.

Description of file(s): PDF 7 page, 2,000 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Liberator

Speech given in response to a resolution regarding the "right of free discussion" which was being threatened by legislation.

Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,006 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

Speech regarding the negative effects of prejudice on people of all races in terms of self-esteem issues, and educational and moral advancement.

Description of file(s): PDF 7 page, 1,528 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Liberator

Brief speech addressing the cruelties and injustices of slavery.

Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 307 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: New York Evangelist

Speech made in support of a resolution that all civil liberties (including religious, literary, and social liberty) should be made available to all persons regardless of race.

Description of file(s): PDF 9 page, 5,523 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Emancipator

Speech given during the dedication of the First Free Church of Schenectady celebrating the establishment of a place of worship and a small basement school for free people of color in that city.

Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 392 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

Speech given before the convention of the New York Anti-Slavery Society on the acceptance of their annual report with an emphasis on the tragedies and injustices of slavery.

Description of file(s): PDF 11 page, 2,529 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Herald of Freedom

Speech given before the New York State Anti-Slavery Society on the acceptance and adoption of the annual report with emphasis placed on the efforts toward emancipation that the society had accomplished since its inception.

Description of file(s): PDF 10 page, 2,502 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Liberator

Speech against the proposed colonization of Africa by free people of color.

Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,182 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright

Speaker or author: Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797-1847

Newspaper or publication: Liberator

Speech regarding equal opportunities for both black and white races, the cruelties of slavery, and the need for Christian interaction in race relations.

Description of file(s): PDF 4 page, 1,148 word document (text and images)

Title: Theodore S. Wright Titus

Speaker or author: Titus, Theodore S. Wright

Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)

Brief speech given in response to derogatory remarks regarding slavery made by Charles O'Conor.

Description of file(s): PDF 2 page, 311 word document (text and images)

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