Title: Frederick Douglass' Paper - February 9, 1855
Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851 - 18??)
The writer discusses the case of Joshua Glover, a fugitve slave who sought asylum in Wisconsin. A band of men rescued him after he was caught and jailed. The two men who aided Glover and were instrumental in his escape were imprisoned and fined.
Description of file(s): two scanned newspaper pages (three columns)
Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Slavery; United States--History--19th century
Keywords: Declaration of Independence; freedom; Fugitive Slave Act; law; law; liberty; press; slave-power; Slavery; Supreme Court; Wisconsin
People: Bancroft, George; Beecher, Henry Ward; Booth, Sherman M.; Glover, Joshua; Rycraft, John
Publication type: editorials; Newspapers