Title: Weekly Anglo-African - January 26, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
As Southern states secede from the Union, free African Americans from South Carolina are arriving in New York. Free people of color are leaving the south as fast as they can fearing they will lose their freedom if they stay.
Description of file(s): one scanned, three columned, newspaper page
Title: Weekly Anglo-African - March 23, 1861
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Weekly Anglo-African (1859 - 1862)
The writer tells his readers that while opposition to Haitian (Haytian) immigration is strong, there are many African Americans who want to know more about this idea so that they can make an informed choice.
Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page