Title: Voice of the Fugitive - August 13, 1851
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)
The writer provides an update on the current status of the fugitive slaves and refugees living in Canada.
Description of file(s): two scanned, two columned, newspaper pages
Title: Voice of the Fugitive - Feburary 26, 1851
Speaker or author: editor
Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)
The writer reports recent donations of food, clothing, and money to the poor in his area.
Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column
Speaker or author: Nell, William C. (William Cooper), 1816-1874.
Newspaper or publication: National Anti-Slavery Standard
Speech delivered during the acceptance of a gold watch presented to the speaker in honor of his work for equal rights in education. The speaker included his own experiences with the color barrier in education along with the stories of others who had fought for equal educational rights.
Description of file(s): PDF 10 page, 3,079 word document (text and images)