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University of Detroit Yearbook Collection
1969 Tower


Names: Albright, Gerard R., SJ; Amick, Jim; Anderson, Clarence; Anderson, Dr. Donald; Arlinghaus, Francis A.; Arnfield, John M.; Aurey, Robert; Baralt, A. Raymond, Dr.; Barath, Desire, Dr.; Beattie, Mary Ann; Bedore, Dorothy; Berschback, Bob; Blass, Gerard A., Dr.; Bond, Julian; Bourke, Michael; Brey, Albert, Col.; Brezine, Donald, SJ; Briggs, Colver R.; Briggs, Jan; Brown, James A.; Bunche, Ralph; Burke, Thomas J.; Burtman, Sam; Byrne, Patty; Caine, Nancy; Calihan, Bob; Canjar, Lawrence; Canjar, Lawrence N.; Canjar, Lawrence N., Dr.; Caron, Malcolm T., SJ; Carron, Malcolm T., SJ; Cavanaugh, Karen; Charest, Joe; Chaws, Vladimir, Dr.; Ciancibelli, Cheryl; Ciaramitaro, Annette; Cicci, Robert; Colista, F. Philip; Collins, Fran; Conen, Paul F., SJ; Conrey, Robert L., Col.; Cooke, Bernard J., SJ; Cooke, Bernard, SJ; Coonen, Shelley; Cooper, Dale; Costinew, Alex; Cotman, Charles; Daniels, John; Davidson, John; Davis, Thomas; Davis, Thomas F.; Davis, Tom; Dichter, Misha; Domonkos, Michael; Donohue, Gilbert; Donoso, Anton; Dubin, Wes; Duniec, Robert; Dunn, Hugh E., SJ; Dziuba, Henry F., Dr.; Ellington, Duke; Freeland, Mark; Frelich, Camille; Frisch, Kurt, Dr.; Gallagher, William Henry; Gaston, Tony; George, Clark; Glispin, James P.; Gonzalez, Vickie; Gremiel, Karl; Gross, Franz; Hayes, Frederick; Haywood, Spencer; Hazo, Samuel; Hennessy, Margarita; Hennessy, Maureen; Heron, Gil; Hirschfield, Sidney J.; Hitt, Joseph, Dr.; Hughes, Donnie; Humphrey, Muriel; Hunt, Donald C.; Hutt, Max, Dr.; Ito, Rikumo; Johnson, Frank; Kaput, Diane; Kean, Helen; Kehoe, Sue; Kernan, Peter J.; Killewald, Sue; Kirwan, Jim; Klimowicz, Julie; Kovach, Edith, Dr.; Kowalczyk, Leon S., Dr.; Kucharski, Floyd; Kudrar, Paul; Kuhn, Alphonse F.; Lalonde, Bernie; Landuyt, Bernard F.; Large, Don; Leary, Jim; Leon, Bruno; Lound, Joanne; Lovely, Arthur E., SJ; Lovely, Edward, SJ; Lozano, Olga; Lucatelli, Frank; Lucricchio, Tony; Lunduyt, Bernard F.; Mahoney, John; Mahoney, John, Dr.; Mains, Gilbert J., Dr.; Manell, Gerald; Mansfield, James T.; Mansour, Joseph A.; Martin, George, Dr.; Maza, Mike; McBeth, Ray; McCree, Wade; McCree, Wade H., Jr.; McEvoy, Fred; McGlynn, James V., SJ; McKendrick, Norman G., SJ; McKendrick, Norman, SJ; McLendon, Gordon; McMilan, J. Donald; Mendes, Sergio; Miller, Tom; Miranda, Constanio; Montoya, Carlos; Moran, Michael C.; Muller, John J., Dr.; Murphy, Barb; Murray, Donald; Murray, Donald J.; Mykusz, Pete; Nemzek, Claude L., Dr.; Nemzek, Claude, Dr.; Nielson, Vagn; Niven, Harold; Nothelfer, Cate; O'Brien, Sheila; O'Keefe, Brian; O'Kress, Tom; O'Leary, John; O'Neill, Hugh, SJ; Odrobina, Michelle; Paden, Mary; Pakulski, Andrea; Patillo, Manning; Pattillo, Manning M.; Peltier, Fred; Percival, Murray A., Mrs.; Perry, Richard; Petrokowski, Louis; Phillips, Peter E., III; Piech, Joe; Pixley, Emily C., Dr.; Predovich, Nicholas A.; Rabe, Bill; Rabe, William T.; Reuther, Walter; Robinson, Smokey; Roche, James; Roddy, Peter J.; Rodgers, James, Dr.; Rozychi, Jerome, Dr.; Rozycki, Jerome J., Dr.; Schmidt, Carl H.; Schneidewind, Henry C.; Shadrick, Fred W.; Shuey, John; Smith, Kenneth E.; Smyntek, John; Spinella, Art; Steinbach, Everett; Stella, Frank D.; Sterling, Lou; Street, Wally; Sylvain, Richard; Szmant, H. Harry, Dr.; Taddonio, Dominick; Thompson, James; Thompson, James W.; Tomey, John; Tomey, John B.; Vanneste, Joyce; Vanneste, Joyce A.; Vel, Frank; Walters, T. W., SJ; Ward, Howard A.; Wedberg, Lloyd W., Dr.; Wehrung, Brendan; Weimer, Aloysius, Dr.; Weschler, Frank, SJ; Zaremba, Sue; Ziemba, Leslie