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Allen, Francis W.; Babcock, John W.; Bateson, George Richard; Bateson, George Richard; Bordeau, Harold; Bordeau, Harold; Borigan, F. Kenneth; Borigan, F. Kenneth; Borigan, F. Kenneth; Brennan, John H.; Buchanan, Philip; Burkhardt, Charles W.; Burkhardt, Charles W.; C. A. L.; Cadieux, Robert J.; Cavanaugh, Joseph J.; Cavanaugh, Joseph J.; Crowe, William F.; Crowe, William T.; Crowe, William T.; Crowe, William T.; Dacey, Vincent P.; Dacey, Vincent P.; Dingeman, Henry I.; Dingeman, Henry I.; George, Albert; George, Albert; Glazer, Clarence; Hall, John W.; Harbrecht, Paul P.; Harbrecht, Paul P.; Heenan, Paul C.; Heenan, Paul C.; Heuser, Leo J.; Heuser, Leo J.; Hinsberg, John I.; Hinsberg, John I.; Hinsberg, John I.; John, Clifford; John, Clifford; Jones, George W.; Kinnucan, Henry L.; Kinnucan, Henry L.; Kinnucan, Henry L.; Lechner, Julius J.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lingemann, Cyril A.; Lochbihler, Marshall L.; Lochbihler, Marshall L.; Lochbiler, Marshall L.; Lochbiler, Marshall L.; Lochbiler, Marshall L.; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Lonyo, Albert; Marshke, Joseph A.; Marshke, Joseph A.; Mauer, Henry E.; McCullough, John G.; McCullough, John G.; McCullough, John G.; McCullough, John G.; McGuirk, Regis; McGuirk, Regis; McGuirk, Regis; McQuillan, Edmund A.; O'Brien, Maurice; Peek, Warren G.; Peek, Warren G.; Polohowski, Joseph; Reno, Eugene D.; Reynolds, John A.; Reynolds, John A.; Roach, Ralph; Roach, Ralph; Ronayne, John J.; Ronayne, John J.; Rosenbusch, Otto F.; Schneider, Raymond J.; Schneider, Raymond J.; Schneider, Raymond J.; Schulte, Carl H.; Schulte, Carl H.; Sigler, Kimber C.; Sigler, Kimber C.; Sigler, Kimber C.; Sigler, Kimber C.; Sigler, Kimber C.; Streeter, William G.; Wilds, Harvey B.; Wilds, Harvey B.; York, Leo; York, Leo

Alumni; Alumni; Alumni; Another Preparedness; Another Preparedness; Another Preparedness; Arts and Sciences, '16; Arts and Sciences, '16; Arts and Sciences, '16; Arts and Sciences, '16; City Oratorical Championship Contest; Co-Operation; College Notes; Development of the Jury Trial; Development of the Jury Trial; Development of the Jury Trial; Down the Incline; Down the Incline; Down the Incline; Early Peace; Editorial; Editorial; Editorial; Editorial; Editorial; Editorial; Editorial; Education -- The University of Detroit; Education -- The University of Detroit; Education -- The University of Detroit; Electric Railway Propulsion; Electric Railway Propulsion; Electric Railway Propulsion; Engineering Course; Engineering Course; Engineering Course; Engineering Course; Engineering Course; Entrance Engineering Building; Gymnasium, University of Detroit; High School and College Departments; High School and College Departments; High School and College Departments. College Department, Arts and Sciences; High School and College Departments. The High School; High School Department; Imputed Negligence; Imputed Negligence; Imputed Negligence; Imputed Negligence; Imputed Negligence; In Rure; In Rure; Intra-state Car Demurrage; Intra-state Car Demurrage; Ite! Missa Est!; IV High Prohibition Debate; Law Department; Law Department; Law Seniors, 1916; Life; Looking Forward; Night; Night; Our Debt to Shakespeare; Our Debt to Shakespeare; Our Debt to Shakespeare; Our Debt to Shakespeare; Pancho's Way; Pancho's Way; Philomathic Notes; Philomathic Notes; Philomathic Notes; Philomathic Notes; Philomathic Notes; Philomathic Notes; Pre-Medic Course; Preparedness; Preparedness; Preparedness; School of Commerce and Finance; School of Commerce and Finance; School of Commerce and Finance; Shakespeare's Stratford; Shakespeare's Stratford; Shakespeare's Stratford; The Dixie Highway; The Dixie Highway; The Dixie Highway; The Dixie Highway; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Fixation of Nitrogen; The Growth of Architecture; The Growth of Architecture; The Growth of Architecture; The Junior Debating Society; The Junior Debating Society; The Marguerite; The Marguerite; The Plea of Life's Cares; The Plea of Life's Cares; The Rose; The Rose; The Senior Engineers, '16; To Shakespeare; To Shakespeare; Triple Plot of the Merchant of Venice; Triple Plot of the Merchant of Venice


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