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United States Senator

Honorary Doctor of Laws



It is with pride that Mercy College of Detroit bestows today one of its highest academic honors on a gentleman, who has not only the confidence and admiration of the citizens of Michigan, but also of his peers in the United States Senate. They have said of him: "He has demonstrated again the keen mind and sensitivity that all of us have come to know him by." "I have never observed a member of Congress handle legislation with such intellectual approach and ease of manner." "His performance was a study in quick competence." These accolades afforded him by other members of the United States Senate are testimony to the inner qualities of mind and heart that shine through Philip Hart's outward deeds. They manifest also the unquenchable zeal and inspiring leadership that add luster to his office. He has given unstintingly of his talents. His kindness and thoughtfulness have prompted him to see at all times the point of view of other men regardless of race, color, or creed. In all things, he has given the last thought to himself and placed first things first, - for his home, his Nation and his God. It is my privilege to present for the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, the Honorable Philip A. Hart, Michigan's Senator to the Congress of the United States. Commencement, Mercy College of Detroit, May 7, 1967.

Mercy College of Detroit

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