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University Honors

Publisher, Editor, Author; Dean of College of Commerce and Finance

Honorary Doctor of Laws



Background information is taken from newspaper clippings in John Russell's dean's file in University archives. All clipping are dated 1936. (The Detroit News, Tuesday April 7, 1936, page unknown) "John A. Russell, dean of the college of commerce and finance of the University of Detroit, and editor and publisher of the Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record, died at 1l:45 p.m. Monday [April 6, 1936] following a heart attack in him home at 80 Virginia Park.... Publisher, editor, author, educator and publicist, Russ was active in the affairs of the city from the time he finished his schooling with the first class graduated from the old Detroit College, now the University of Detroit, in 1882, at the age of 18. Writing claimed a large part of his time and effort. His activities kept him in thorough touch with the industrial life of Detroit and he became a student of tax matters and other public affairs. In addition to his own work he was a contributor to a great number of publications other than his own. After graduation from the Detroit College, Mr. Russell joined the staff of The Detroit News, and after a time became Sunday editor and later editorial writer. When, in 1896, interests connected with The News purchased the Chicago Evening Journal and the Chicago Mail, Mr. Russell was sent to Chicago to consolidate the two papers and reorganize the staff. He resigned to become secretary of the old Detroit Chamber of Commerce, then housed in the 11-story building on the northeast corner of Griswold and State streets. The building had been erected for the organization and was one of Detroit's first skyscrapers. The Chamber of Commerce, as landlord of the building, needed a full-time secretary and engaged Mr. Russell." Mr. Russell went on to promotion of interurban trolley lines, abandoned this business and returned to writing. Commencement, University of Detroit, June 21, 1916.

University of Detroit

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