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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Wayne University Program

Date published: 1947-10-03

School Names: University of Detroit; Marquette; UofD; Villanova; Wayne University

Names: Asquini, Tino; Audette, Frank; Baer, Charles E Charley Chuck; Barbour, Edmund J; Berar, Milan; Bielman, Frank; Boisture, Dan; Boruta, Roman; Brazil, Lloyd; Burgess, Ed; Byerlein, Don; Ciesliga, Al; Collins, Tim; Conley, Jim; Conti, John; Coratti, Angelo; Costello, Thomas; Cotton, Jack; Cullen, John; D'Ambrosio, Angelo; Demerjian, Edward; Dobrzenski, Edward; Dopkowski, Ed; Finnin, Tom; Florea, Virgil; Foley, William S; Forsyth, Raymond D, Dr; Fraleigh, Warren P; Fuelling, Richard; Futrell, Edward K; galante, Nick; Gawronski, Francis J; Godbold, Donald; Goldberg, Hersh; Greiner, Bob; Greiner, Jerry; Griffiths, Allen; Gruber, Wally; Guay, Bill; Haag, Henry; Hackett, John P; Haley, Bill; Hayes, Jack; Hazely, John M; Heym, Bob; Hobbs, William; Hubbard, Lawrence; Hudnut, Jack; Iannotti, Gasper; Jeakle, Edwin; Kaysserian, Mike; Kazanowski, Frank; Kelly, Archie; Kennedy, Pat; Kunnath, Paul; Kurkowski, John; Laboe, Barney; Lanoue, Jack; LeBouf, Joe; Loftin, Iverson; Maher, Joe; Malinowski, Gene; Marana, Bruno; Mason, Joel; Massey, Jim; McHenry, Charles; McLoughlin, Rick; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Mily, William; Morgan, William; Mullen, Joe; Mutual, Jerry; O'Connor, John; O'Leary, John; O'Malley, Bob; Packo, John; Pearson, Robert; Perpich, Judy; Peterson, Harry; Petross, Irving; Raymond, Don; Reitmeyer, William; Rhodes, Calvin; Ripple, Al; Rittof, Len; Shada, John J; Simmons, Jack; Smith, Bill; Smith, Herb; Solner, Bob; Srabian, Suren; Strittmatter, John; Stroia, Eugene J; Sullivan, Pete; Swerdlow, Arthur; Thompson, Alden W; Toth, Nick; Ventro, Val; Viviano, Sol; Waha, Bruce L; Wandez, Joe; Weber, Jerry; Welsch, Charles; Welsh, Bill; Williams, Robert; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joe; Wyman, Robert; Yeager, Floyd; Zukowski, Steve

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; 51 Years of Titan Football; Alumni; Athletic Board of Control; captain; cheers; coach; director; editor; Football; groundskeeper; Looking Ahead; Meet the Athletic Director; Meet The Coach; Official Program; penalties; Probable Lineups; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; songs; statistics; Tartars; The Man Behind the Scenes; tickets; Titans Travel; Traditions and Trophies; trainer; UofD; Wayne University

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