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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Wayne University Program

Date published: 1946-09-20

School Names: University of Detroit; UofD; Wayne University

Names: Asquini, Valentino L; Atkinson, J; Audette, Frank; Avigan, John; Baer, Charles E Charley Chuck; Barbas, Constantino J; Barbour, Edmund J; Berar, Milan; Bielman, Frank; Boisture, Daniel; Boyd, John; Brazil, Lloyd; Broan, Guy; Brown, Ralph J, Jr; Byerlein, Donald; Carpenter, Eulis; Cieslaga, Alfred; Cogle, W; Conley, James; Conti, John; Cotton, John K, Jr; Cullen, John; D'Ambrosio, Eugene D; Debo, A; Diamond, Newton L; Doheny, W; Dopkowski, Edward F; Doyle, Lawrence O; Ducey, J; Ermalovich, Joseph O; Fenlon, Paul; Finnin, Tom; Florea, Virgil; Foley, William S; Forsyth, Raymond, Dr; Foucher, Harry P; Fugenschuh, Bill; Futrell, Edward K; Galante, Nicholas; Gawronski, Francis J; Godbold, Donald H; Greiner, Jerry; Greiner, Robert; Griffiths, Allen R; Gruber, Walter; Guay, Bill; Haag, Henry G; Haas, Ralph J; Hackett, John P Johnnie Johnny; Hagen, Reed H; Haley, William; Harrie, Ronald; Hart, Jack; Hazely, John M; Hetu, Thomas; Hintz, Wilbut; Hobbs, William E; Hooven, Lafayette J; Hubbard, Lawrence W; Hudnut, Jack W; Ivory, Rynearson, John; Kargenian, Aram; Kaysserian, Michael; Kazanowski, Frank J; Keane, William; Kelly, Archie; Kennedy, Patrick; Klimavicus, Vito A; Kunnath, Paul W; Kurkowski, John; Laboe, Bernard; Leoni, William; Long, O; Magnatta, Joseph L; Malinowski, Eugene; Maninski, Bernie; Marana, Bruno; Mason, Joel G; Massey, Jim; McHenry, Charles V; Melia, Harry J; Melody, F; Milejczak, Harold H; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Moran; Murphy, Russel; O'Malley, Robert; Panackia, Joseph; Parke, Emory; Paulian, Harry; Petruzzi, Joseph; Piscopink, Carl; Poritt, Don; Quain, Ron; Reilly, A; Reitmeyer, William D; Rhodes, Calvin J; Richards, J; Ricket, Louis H; Rittof, Leonard; Robison; Rose, James; Rutherford, Douglas C; Schmidt, Alfred; Schroeder, Frederick H, Jr; Shada, John; Simmons, John; Sinkus, George J; Smith, Herbert L; Solner, Bob; Speck, Hartley R; Sullivan, Peter; Swerdlow, Arthur; Taylor, Alex; Tesin, Michael; Toth, Nickolas G; Trafeli, Mario M, Jr; Truskowski, Joseph S; Van Dyke; Ventro, Val; Waha, Bruce L; Walsh; Weber, H Jerry; Welsh, William; Wiacek, Chester; Williams, Robert L; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joseph; Zakem, John; Zukowski, Stephen

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; 1896 team; Alumni; Alumni Association; anthem; Athletic Board; captain; cheers; coach; director; editor; Fifty Years In Football; Football; Looking Ahead; Meet The Coach; Official Program; Our Alma Mater UofD; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; sheet music; songs; statistics; Tartars; tickets; trainer; UofD; Wayne University

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