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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Oklahoma Program

Date published: 1942-11-28

School Names: University of Detroit; Oklahoma A and M; Oklahoma Agriculture and Mining; UofD

Names: Aldridge, Bill; Arms, Loyd; Ausmus, Dee; Barbour, Edmund John Eddie; Baskin, Paul; Batchelor, E A; Batchelor, Robert J; Bell, Richard; Bishop, Norvel; Boeringer, Arthur "Bud"; Brazil, Lloyd; Brotherton, H A; Brown, Blair; Burke, Robert J; Butler, Michael H. "Dad"; Carlson, Ray; Cloud, C H, SJ; Cook, Lee; Corn, Kruger; Crusoe, Claude A; Cutting, John H; Davis, Clayton; Davis, Paul; Deal, Bill; Dorais, Charles E. "Gus"; Dorais, Thomas Tommy; Elliott, Kenneth F; Etter, Forrest; Fenlon, Paul; Finney, James L; Floyd, Sherman; Foley, William R; Ford, Jerry; Frielink, Thomas B; Gallagher, Jack; Gaskins, Bill; Gensheimer, Joseph R; Ghesquiere, George J; Gieske, Clifford; Gorski, Edmund A; Greiner, Robert J; Hagar, Glenn; Harrington, Robert C; Hart, John; HAzlett, Robert; Hetu, Thomas W; Hicks, Stanley; Hintz, Wilbur E; Hissong, Jack; Hoeman, Gene; Houck, Billy; Hughes, Donald c; Ivory, Robert J; Jeffers, Ed; Johndrow, Howard; Kabat, John J; Kelly, Archie R; Kempa, Loddie; Kilgore, J B; Klopman, Henry; Kolodziejski, Frank; Kukorowski, Edmund J; Lana, Bert; Leone, Gerard A; Link, Arthur F; London, Merlob; Lookabaugh, E M Jim; Lookabaugh, Frank; Lowther, John; Lyons, Tony; Madarik, Elmer L; Mahon, Kenneth L; Marsh, James; Mathews, Joe; Maulbetsch, John F; McKinzie, Leon; McNally, Thomas J; Michaelian, Michael; Milito, John T; Miller, Bud; Mulcrone, Robert F; Mutual, Eugene; Myers, Curtis; Nienberg, Robert J; O'Hara, Thomas G; O'Hare, Edward A; O'Neal, Paul; Pearl, Jack F; Piper, Henry E; Pixley, Warren; Pollard, Robert J; Pratt, Leo; Puckett, John; Quinn, Max; Rainbow, Earl; Reno, George L; Risdon, James M; Rogers, Bill; Rowe, Chas; Ruth, Charles A; Salmon, Marvin; Scanland, Al; Schellstede, Otis; Schrieber, Thomas; Schroeder, Joseph P; Sedlak, Joe; Senffner, Thomas Muscles; Sexton, Jack; Simmons, Jake J; Simmons, John; Smith, Joseph J; Southall, Jack; Spencer, Joe, Stines, Dan; Sullivan, Peter; Tate, Ralph; Terrell, Ty; Turvey, Tom; Ussery, Beryl; Waldorf, Lynn O; Walker, Tom; Weinstein, Milton; Williams, Oscar; Witt, Warren; Wray, Leonard; Wright, Joseph; Zbezinski, Edward F; Ziehr, Carl; Zukaitis, Donald F

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; Aggies; Alumni; Alumni Association; anthem; Athletic Board; band; captain; cheers; coach; Cowboys; director; editor; Football; homecoming; Official Program; Oklahoma; Our Alma Mater UofD; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; sheet music; songs; statistics; The Aggie Aggregation; tickets; Titan Avengers; Titan Notes; trainer; U of D Men In Service; University of Detroit Shorts; UofD

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