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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Alma Program

Date published: 1945-09-28

School Names: University of Detroit; Alma; Scranton; UofD

Names: Baer, Charles E Chuck; Bailey, Howard; Barbour, Edmund E; Berto, Oren; Bookatz, Irving; Brazil, Lloyd; Breen, Martin; Brown, Guy; Burkman, Richard; Byerlein, Donald; Canfield, Dave; Carter, Eugene; Chapman, Ralph; Clancy, Robert; Clements, William; Damian, John; Domke, Don; Eber, Donald; Fischer, Albert; Forsyth, Raymond, Dr; Frazier, Ralph; Friis, Clayton; Gavigan, John; Guepe, Donald; Hall, Frank; Harrie, Ron; Hempel, Simon; Hiedenfelder, Frank; Hopkins, Earl; Justak, Gene; Kanvik, Theodore; Kayson, Charles; Kelly, Walter; LeBuof, Joseph; Leoni, William; Lucas, Robert; Maher, Joseph; Majewski, Eugene; Malinowski, Eugene; Marcinkowski, Mitchell; Matelic, Tony; Matheson, Donald; Mauch, Eugene; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Mullan, Dan; Mullen, Joseph; Murphy, Jack; Nowak, Al; Paleno, Eogene; Palmer, Walter; Parke, Joseph; Parson, Donald; Payette, Roland; Perpich, Rudy; Pitlosh, Frank; Porath, Erwin; President Truman; Pulte, Joseph; Ripple, Albert; Rittof, Leonard; Rogers, Jack; Savino, Mario C; Shuler, Albert; Simmons, John; Smith, Andrew; Snively, George; Spehn, Jack; Strawman, Ernest; Sullivan, Peter; Thorin, Fred; Townsend, Theodore; Tresize, David; Tyrna, Ernest; Van Osdol, Nathan; Wanty, Thomas; Watt, James; Wolfe, Robert; Wright, Frank; Yeager, Floyd; Zaremba, Theodore

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; Alma; Alumni; Alumni Association; anthem; Athletic Board; band; captain; cheers; coach; director; editor; Football; Hail the Veterans; Official Program; Our Alma Mater UofD; Pearl Harbor; penalties; program; record; return; rules; Schedule; score; sheet music; songs; statistics; tickets; Titan Notes; trainer; two year absence; University of Detroit Shorts; UofD

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