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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Wayne University Program

Date published: 1941-10-03

School Names: University of Detroit; UofD; Wayne University

Names: Addison, Emerson; Angel, Joseph; Arkelian, Levon; Baker, Walter; Banonis, Vincent J; Barbour, Edmund John; Barrett, Bunny; Batchelor, E A; Batchelor, Robert J; Bertsch, Ted E; Betker, Ralph P; Biringer, John C; Boeringer, Arthur "Bud"; Bolger, Richard E; Brazil, Lloyd; Brennan, John; Buck, Jack I; Burke, Robert J; Butler, Michael H. "Dad"; Callard, Thomas J; Carpenter, Samuel; Cassidy, William G; Cherup, Nick; Chorney, Frank J; Cloud, Charles H, SJ; Cooper; Debinski, Richard A; DeFoe, Robert; DeHayes, Louis A; Diamond, Newton L; Dillon, William M; Dimitry, Douglas B; Dorais, Charles E. "Gus"; Elliott, Kenneth F; Filipiak, Stanley C; Fitzpatrick; Flannery, Jerry; Frielink, Thomas B; Gembis, Joe; Gensheimer, Joseph R; Ghesquiere, Al; Ghesquiere, George J; Goodrich, Albert A; Hagen, Reed H; Hall, Norman B; Harbrecht, Paul P; Hardenbergh, Richard J; Harrington, Robrt C; Harrison, Bill; Hayes, Frank; Healy, Leonard A; Herrick, Edwin H; Hintz, Wilbur E; Howell; Hughes, Donald c; Jeschke, Herbert A G; Joyce, William Kelly; Kanfer, Morton; Keating, Howard T; Keating, Wallace L T; Keene, Robert; Kennedy, Donald G; Kennedy, Thomas J.; Kenney, Thomas; Koepsell, John L; Kukorowski, Edmund J; Larimore, Edgar Whitey; LeGallee, George M; Link, Arthur F; Lipa, Chester A; Lumsden, Guy McL; Madarik, Elmer L Tippy; Magnatta, Joseph L; Mahan, William W; Maher, Thomas F, Hon; Mangrum, Miles; Marsh, Ted H; McLaughlin, Arthur E; McLaughlin, Paul J Mickey; McLoughlin, Thomas F Tom; McManigal, John; McMullin, Edward; Metras, Johnny; Metzger, Davy; Myers, Robert; Nagy, Carl; Nanry; Pavelec, Ted; Pearl, Jack F; Peters, J Ollen; Petz; Petz, Robert J; Piper, Henry E; Poetker, Rev A H; Pollard, Robert J; Preusser, Norbert, Rev, SJ; Pugh, Richard G; Reno, George L; Rice, Edward G; Russell, Laurence; Ruth, Charles A; Sabo, Frank F; Schmelker, Gerald C; Schmidt, Alfred A; Sharkey, Healy; Shiple, George, Rev, SJ; Slack, Richard A, Jr; Toepfer, Meyrl W; Torzewski, Joseph S; Tottis, Mitchell; Trezinski, William E; Truskowski, Joe; Tyzinski, Clark M; VanRiper, William R; White, Jim; Wilson; Young, George Donald

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; Alumni; anthem; band; captain; cheers; coach; director; editor; Facts and Futures; Football; Official Program; Our Alma Mater UofD; penalties; program; rules; Schedule; score; sheet music; songs; Tartars; tickets; Titan Notes; trainer; UofD; Wayne University

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