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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Tulsa Program

Date published: 1949-09-23

School Names: University of Detroit; Tulsa University; UofD

Names: Alexander, Tom; Allen, H L; Annex, Pete; Archer, Howard; Audette, Frank; Baber, Junior; Baer, Charles E Chuck; Baranko, Andy; Barbour, Eddie; Barry, Paul; Bartush, Bob; Beasley, Jim; Bloom, Dick; Boisture, Dan; Boor, Wayne; Borbolla, Art; Boucher, Cliff; Boyer, Dayton; Brazil, Lloyd; Brothers, J O Buddy; Burrough, Arnold; Cagle, Billy Joe; Campe, John; Cipparone, Sam; Click, Kenny; Collins, Tim; Conti, John; Costello, Thomas; Cullen, John; Currie, Miles; Cvetich, Jack; D'Arcy, Jerry; Davidson, Jim; Day, Ben; Dickerson, Tommy; Dooling, Bill; Eddy, Richard; Egan, Jack; Eubanks, Bill; Ewing, Thomas D, Rev, SJ; Forbis, Wesley; Forsyth, Raymond D, Dr; Frnka, Henry; Galante, Nicholas Nick R; Galarno, Jack; Ganey, Bill; Giere, John E; Goggins, Mike; Graham, Jim; Graves, Dub; Greiner, Jerry; Grigsby, Denver; Gruber, Wally; Guay, Bill; Henderson, Elmer C Gloomy Gus; Herman, Gene; Hintz, Bill; Holbrok, Bill; Horwath, Ron; Huetteman, Ray; Ivory, Bob; Jones, Lemoyne; Judd, Saxon; Kaysserian, Mike; Kelly, Frank; Kennedy, John; Kerins, Dan; Kutz, Joe; Laboe, Barney; Landers, Jim; Lanoue, Jack; Legg, Gene; Lehew, Rogers; Lewis, Bill; Makowski, Len; Marusa, Ray; Massey, Jim; McBirney, Sam; McGraw, Joe; McKenzie, Dan; McLachlan, Rod; McLane, Forrest; Milan, Phil; Neeley, Bob; Nelson, Don; Neveux, Dick; O'Connor, John; O'Leary, Jack; O'Malley, Bob; Packo, John; Pennington, Fred; Rakestraw, Dave; Rakovan, George; Redmond, Dwight; Roberts, Herb; Roberts, J C; Sawicki, Ed; Scarborough, Don; Schmidt, Francis; Scott, Gary; Smail, Alex; Smith, Fred; Stacey, Clayton; Staples, Don; Steiner, Celestine J, SJ; Stringer, Bob; Sustersic, Phil; Tafralian, Dick; Tallent, Ray; Tarsitano, Rocco; Teahen, John K, Jr; Templeton, Gene; Viviano, Sal; Walkup, Ernie; Weaver, Dewitt; Welch, Chuck; Whitman, Leroy; Whitman, S J; Willard, Frank; Wittmer, Lee; Witucki, Bernie; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joe

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; 1949; Alumni; assistant; Athletic Board of Control; band; captain; coach; director; Down in the Valley; editor; Football; Golden Hurricanes; high scores; Looking Ahead; Missouri Valley Conference; moderator; Official Program; officials; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; Songs and Cheers; statistics; The Alumni Corner; the Stadium Club; tickets; Titan Family Album; trainer; Tulsa; Tulsa's Greatest Athlete; UofD

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