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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Bowling Green Program

Date published: 1963-09-21

School Names: University of Detroit; Bowling Green; UofD

Names: Alge, Richard; Anderson, W Harold; Ankney, Howard; Assenmacher, Dennis; Beatty, F E; Beier, Fred; Berdan, William, Rev, SJ; Bettridge, Ed; Britt, Laurence V, Very Rev, SJ; Burghardt, Bob; Burke, Ken; Burkhart, Jim; Caracciolo, Bob; Carron, Lionel V, Rev, SJ; Chorba, Jim; Cipiti, Bob; Clark, Joseph; Collins, Ted; Condon, Ed; Conklin, Ben; Cook, Larry; Cunningham, Jay; D'Angelo, Joe; Dinverno, Jim; Dorsey, Jay; Doyle, John; Dressell, Lary; Drewianny, Ed; Dudley, Bob; Dudley, Jerry; dull, Carl; Duniec, Bob; Earhart, Bill; Eaton, Ron; Elzey, John; Farkas, Mickey; Fielitz, Ray; Fire, Tony; Foels, Mel; Gibson, Bob; Gillespie, Jim; Glover, Clarence; Goings, Jim; Grant, Jim; Greeves, Ed; Hanley, Tony; Hardwick, Clyde T, Dr; Harris, Jerry; Helmlinger, Ed; Hilt, Joe; Hockman, Ken; Hof, James E; Hughes, Bob; Huzicko, Steve; Idzik, John J; Jennings, John; Jerome, William Travers III. Dr; Jinks, Mike; Johnson, Dick; Jones, Jerry; Jones, Jim; Kane, Bill; Koester, Fred; Koval, Bob; Kozlowski, Dan; Krantz, Bill; Kreischer, Ervin J; Kucharick, Dennis; Landuyt, Bernard F, Dr; Larson, John; Lauck, Fred; Law, Tom; Lawrence, Tony; Leedy, Paul F; Limpert, Norm; Lundy, Robert; Lynch, Bob; Madaya, Bill; Mallory, Bill; Mass, Steve; McFall, Kenneth H; McLaughlin, Paul; Molner, Alex; Moyer, John; Mulroy, John R; Myers, Steve; Norman, Nick; Nusz, Dave; O'Leary, Tom; Pace, Lou; Perry, Doyt; Phillis, Fred; Polen, Jeff; Poljan, Paul; Pratt, Bob; Randall, Mike; Ray, Robert F; Regnier, Bill; Reicosky, Tom; Rice, Bob; Robinson, Lynn; Rolf, Paul; Rossi, Leo; Ruehl, Jim; Sabo, Al; Scline, Dave; Shaw, Dennis; Sims, Tom; Smith, Donnal V; Smith, Wayne; Snider, Fritz; Stanforth, Bill; Stepanovich, Myles; Straka, John; Toffler, Tim; Toriello, Rich; Toth, Bill; Trent, Tony; Vaughn, Bill; Violet, Bill; Violet, Jim; Vischer, Gary; Vitalli, Dave; Walderzak, Mike; Walkosky, George; Wallace, Dwight; Ward, Jerry; Wasylyna, Myron; Weaver, Barry; Weger, Roy J; Whitaker, Gary; Whiteside, Earl; Wiggen, Dan; Wilkie, Gary; Wingate, Heath; Wisser, Jim; Wright, Tom; Young, Richard Dick; Zientek, Tom

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; All-Time Varsity Football Record; Alumni; assistant; BG Alma Mater; BG Salutes High School Bands Today; Bowling Green; captain; cheers; coach; cross country; director; editor; Falcons; Falcons 32nd Among Major College Powers; Football; manager; Meet BG's New President; Mid-American Conference 1963 Composite Schedule; National Collegiate Athletic Association; NCAA; Official Program; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; Scores; signals; Stae Issue No 1: What It Means to Ohio; statistics; tickets; trainer; UofD; varsity record

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