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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Nevada Program

Date published: 1947-11-07

School Names: University of Detroit; Nevada; UofD

Names: Audette, Frank; Baer, Charles Charley Chuck E; Barbour, Edmund J; Barger, Floyd; Bart, Mary; Beasley, Scott; Bell, Tom; Boisture, Dan; Brazil, Lloyd; Brey, Ray; Burgess, Ed; Byerlein, Don; Caren, Jack; Carlson, Tinnas; Carmody, Jack; Caruso, Carmel; Ciesliga, Al; Collins, Tim; Conley, Jim; Conti, John; Corley, Bob; Costello, Thomas; Cullen, John; Davis, Jack; Elder, Willard; Eliades, Jordan; Ensslin, Ted; Evans, Dick; Farnsworth, Darwin; Finnin, Tom; Forsyth, Raymond D, Dr; Fucinari, Al; Giere, John Jack E; Giger, Ray; Green, Elmer; Greiner, Bob; Greiner, Jerry; Grevich, Milan; Gruber, Wally; Guay, Bill; Haley, Bill; Hayes, Harold; Hayes, Jack; Heath, Stan; Heym, Bob; Hoeard, Sherman; Hopper, Flotd; Hopper, Fred; Jeakle, Edwin; Kalmanir, Tommy; Kaysserian, Mike; Keenan, Tom; Kelly, Archie; Kennedy, Pat; Kirschke, Jim; Klosterman, Edward; Kondel, Ted; Kurkowski, John; Laboe, Barney; Lanoue, Jack; LeBouf, Joe; Lenc, Joe; Leon, Fred; Lindeman, Duke; Malinowski, Gene; Massey, Jim; Mencotti, Edo; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Mirabelli, Mike; Morris, Bill; Mutual, Jerry; O'Connor, John; O'Leary, John; O'Malley, Bob; Orlich, Daniel; Packo, John; Patrick, Charles; Perpich, Rudy; Peterson, Harry; Raymond, Don; Reinhardt, Tom; Ripple, Al; Rittof, Len; Robinson, Carl; Sanches, Frank; Shada, John J; Sheeketski, Joe; Sheeran, Bill; Sinofsky, Ken; Smail, Alex; Smith, Bill; Solner, Bob; Stone, Adele Pete; Subda, John; Sullivan, Pete; Tabor, Alva; Teahen, John K; Thompson, Richard J, Dr; Tilton, Richard; Toczylowski, Edward; Trachok, Richard; Treacy, Philp; Viviano, Sol; Volpe, Dominick; Von Mach, Sue; Wandez, Joe; Welch, Charles; Welsh, Bill; Wernet, Robert; Wilson, Jim; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joe; Yeager, Floyd; Zeno, Ernie; Zippman, Bill

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; assistant; band; captain; cheerleaders; cheers; coach; director; editor; Football; high scores; Looking Ahead; moderator; music; Nevada; Official Program; officials; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; songs; statistics; tickets; Titan Alumni 1942; trainer; UofD

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