Forty-eighth Annual
Date (of event): 1931-06-12
Location: Masonic Temple
University president : McNichols, John P., SJ
Deans: Horst, J. J., SJ -- College of Arts and Sciences; Horst, J. J., SJ -- College of Arts and Sciences; Lawrence, Russell E., MS -- College of Engineering; Lawrence, Russell E., MS -- College of Engineering; Meskell, James A., SJ -- High School Prinicple; Meskell, James A., SJ -- High School Prinicple; Monaghan, Peter J. -- School of Law; Monaghan, Peter J. -- School of Law; Russell, John A. -- College of Commerce and Finance Evening Division; Russell, John A. -- College of Commerce and Finance Evening Division; Seehoffer, Carl H. -- College of Commerce and Finance Day Division; Seehoffer, Carl H. -- College of Commerce and Finance Day Division