Speaker or author: Langston, John Mercer, 1829-1897.
Newspaper or publication: Elevator
Impassioned speech in which the speaker emphasized that along with freedom, African Americans were entitled to all the privileges of citizenship including suffrage, legal, social and political rights. Denying a citizen these rights on the basis of color was illogical, irrational, and uncivilized.
Description of file(s): PDF 10 page, 2,101 word document (text and images)
Date published: 1865-10-25
Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Slavery; United States--History--19th century
Keywords: black laws; citizenship; Civil rights; Congress; Constitution; Constitution; court; Declaration of Independence; education; emancipation; government; law; legal equality; legislation; mulattoes; Ohio; political rights; politics; prejudice; suffrage; vote
Publication type: Newspapers; Speeches