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Title: Anglo-African Magazine - November, 1859

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Anglo-African Magazine (1859 - 1860)

Detailed account of the raid on Harper's Ferry by John Brown published originally in the Baltimore American and New York Herald. Included is an interview with John Brown shortly after his capture, and a brief account of his statements before the Grand Jury before his trial.

Description of file(s): eight scanned magazine pages (14 columns)

Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Antislavery movements--United States; Slavery; United States--History--19th century

Keywords: abolitionists; anti-slavery; bondage; Canada; crime; Emigrant Aid Society; Fugitive Slave Law; Harper's Ferry; insurrection; interview; Kansas; mob; Oberlin; Ohio; Osawatomie Brown; prisoners; raid; violence; Virginia

People: Anderson, Lieutenant Jeremiah; Bayler, Colonel Robert W.; Beckham, Fountain; Boorley, Thomas; Botts, Lawson; Brown, Captain John; Brown, Captain Oliver; Brown, Captain Watson; Chew, Roger; Cook, John E.; Copeland, John; Copeland, John Anderson Jr.; Coppich, Lieutenant Edwin; Douglass, Frederick; Faulkner, Charles J.; Giddings, Joshua R.; Green, Shields; Hazlett, Lieutenant Albert; Kagi, Captain John; Kidd, Charles P.; Leary, Lewis Sheridan; Lee, Robert E.; Leman, Lieutenant William; Mason, James M.; Newby, Dangerfield; Sheppard, Heywood; Smith, Gerrit; Stephens, Aaron C.; Strider, Samuel; Stuart, Lieutenant E. B.; Taylor, Stewart; Thompson, Adolph; Thompson, William; Turner, George W.; Vallandigham, Clement; Washington, Colonel Lewis; Williamson, William

Publication type: editorials; periodicals

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