Title: Frederick Douglass' Paper - February 16, 1855
Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851 - 18??)
The writer expresses his view that a good Christian makes a good politician. He emphasizes the authority of the Church in the average person's life. He notes that a man's character should be judged on his actions, not just on his words.
Description of file(s): two scanned, two columned, newspaper pages
Speaker or author: Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884
Newspaper or publication: Anti-Slavery Bugle
Speech regarding the influence of religion and the Church in the continuation of slavery. The speaker noted that "The teaching of religion has always favored slavery," and he noted two theologians who had publicly taught that "...God ordained the institution (of slavery)."
Description of file(s): PDF 3 page, 859 word document (text and images)