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Copyright policy for course reserves


Based on the Copyright guidelines the following is the library policy:

  • Non-Copyrighted materials may be placed on reserve for any length of time.
  • One copy of a complete article may be placed on reserve, but may not be used from term to term. A maximum of one copy can be placed on reserve for every 15 students in a course.
  • Photocopies of journal articles from licensed full-text databases may not be placed on reserve unless stipulated in the vendor contract.
  • Multiple copies must meet the test of brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect (see definitions below) but may not be used from term to term.
  • No consumable exercises or tests that are protected by copyright may be placed on reserve.
  • All photocopies will be stamped with the following:
    NOTICE: This material may be 
    protected by Copyright Law (Title 
    17, U.S. Code).
  • All photocopied material will become the property of the faculty member.


  • University owned books may be placed on reserve on a term-by-term basis.
  • Full volumes of bound print journals may be placed on reserve.
  • Media (Video, CD, DVD) may be placed on reserve on a term-by-term basis.
  • University generated reports may be placed on reserve for an indefinite length of time or until edesignated for archives or return to owner.
  • UDM materials deemed by Library personnel as susceptible to theft and/or damage may be placed on permanent reserve.


  • Poetry - a complete poem of less than 250 words or 250 words from a longer poem.
  • Prose of Periodical Articles - a complete article or essay or less than 2,500 words.
  • Illustrations - one chart, diagram, etc., per book title or periodical issue.
  • Special books - no more than 2 pages or 10% of the text whichever is less.


Copying must be at the instance and inspiration of the faculty member. The inspiration must take place at such time that the difference between it and the time of use in class or reserve is too short to allow the faculty member to write for permission to photocopy.


  • No more than one short poem, article, story, essay, or two excerpts may be copied from the same author.
  • No more than 3 articles from the same periodical volume per term.
  • No more than 9 instances of multiple copying per semester per course.
  • The material is used for only one course.


For assistance in placing items on reserve, contact Library Check Out & Customer Service personnel:

  • McNichols Campus Library: (313) 993-1795
  • UDM Dental Library: (313) 494-6900
Permalink Last updated 12/22/2016 by R. Davidson

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