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Merging courses

If you're teaching a single course that's split into multiple sections, or multiple courses that will use the same content, you may want to merge the Blackboard course sites.

By merging course sites your students will still only see the one course they registered for in their My Courses list, but when they click the link they'll be pushed to the parent course you've selected to hace them merged into.

Using a merged course means you'll be able to post content and announcements once and all the students in your course. It also means students across all the merged courses will have access to the same set of tests, assignments, and discussion boards -- a factor to consider when deciding whether you want to merge courses. Some faculty teaching merged courses put their students into Blackboard groups so they can email individual sections individually (via the groups option in the email tool). Faculty can also use folders (e.g., Graduate student homework vs. Undergraduate student homework) to help students find the appropriate items in cases where you want to provide different student groups with different content inside a merged course. 

Check out the Managing merged courses collection (linked below) for more tips on managing a merged course.

To have your course sites merged, contact the Instructional Design Studio (you can use the IDS helpdesk link below). We'll need the CRNs for the courses you want to merge, and you'll need to identify which course you want to be the parent -- the course you want to have the other student groups merged into.

Permalink Last updated 08/16/2017 by R. Davidson

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