University Archives
Your Courses list is updated every two hours starting at 12:30 (2:30, 4:30, 6:30, etc). Courses are added based on your course assignments in Self Service. The process takes a few minutes to run, so you may not see these changes immediately.
If a course is not displaying, first check Self Service (via and confirm you've been assigned to the course there. If the course is not there, students should contact the Office of the Registrar (313-993-3313). Faculty should contact their program chair (co-ordinator, etc).
If you're still not seeing it, there are a couple steps to take. First, try searching for the course via the SEARCH box at the top of the Courses list. The 5-digit CRN is surest if you have it, but any part of the course name or number will work.
This should bring the course to the top of the page. Click the STAR button on the course to stick it to the top for future quick access.
If the course does not appear, try opening the FILTER pulldown list at the top of the page (right of the search box) and selecting HIDDEN FROM ME.
If this brings up the course you're missing, you'll want to un-hide it. To un-hide the course, click the "..." button on the course listing and choose SHOW COURSE.
If the course is not HIDDEN, then it may be a term selection that is preventing the course from appearing. At the top center of the page you should see a label reading CURRENT COURSES. Try clicking this label and selecting the appropriate term. This should bring up the current term course list (you may need to reset the FILTER pulldown to display ALL courses).
Permalink Last updated 03/02/2022 by R. Davidson