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Resources for the production of online tutorials


Core Matrix Corp..

Website that makes it simple for instructors and students to make and customize characters and comic strips.


Creative Commons, ArtistTech Media.


"This is a community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses." (Find brief descriptions of Creative Commons licenses at

Creative Commons Search

Creative Commons.


This site allows one to search images, videos, music and other media from sites such as flickr, Jamendo and the Open Clip Art Library.  Many of the items are available under creative commons licenses.


Hyder, Zohair.


Free, user-friendly, online whiteboard

Free Music Archive


"The Free Music Archive offers free downloads under Creative Commons and other licenses. Please visit the track page to discover what you can and cannot do with each track."

Museum Box


This site allows students and instructors to place pictures, text files, movies, etc... describing a topic in a virtual box.

Pixton Comics

Goodinson, Dana; Goodinson, Clive.


This site allows users to create highly customizable online comic strips, including comics with sounds or voice overs.


Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.


Great site that makes it easy to create your own interactive games, animate images, and integrate images and sound.  It includes a lot of tutorials and user forums for support.


Holzer, Derek; Kolster, Sara; Boon, Marc.

This site offers field recordings (good for background noises or sound effects) under creative commons licenses.

Stop Motion Animation!

Kalif, Will.

This website includes several step-by-step tutorials, including pictures and videos, on how to produce stop-motion animation.


Todd, Daniel.


Free tool for creating interactive timelines



This website provides a blank page (wall) where you can post and share text, links, videos, discussions or anything you want.


This fee-based website allows you to create 3-D animated tutorials with text-generated speech.  Users choose from pre-made characters and enter text, and the website generates the animated tutorials with the characters speaking the script.

Jill A. Turner

Library Professor
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