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Chairman, Michigan Board of Dentistry

Honorary Doctor of Science



Every profession has its statesmen, those outstanding leaders, who by their work with their colleagues and even more by their representation of their profession before the public have rendered unusual service in promoting the ideals for which their profession stands. After a certain length of such service and substantial success in their representation, these leaders earn from their fellows the title of Elder Statesmen. Dentistry is no exception. It has its statesmen and its elder statesmen. Today the University of Detroit is proud to honor one of the foremost elder statesmen of Michigan dentistry, Dr. Joseph L. Champagne. A wounded veteran of World War One, Dr. Champagne returned to undertake his dental education at the University of Michigan. Once in practice, he quickly became a moving force in developing a sound and strong Dental Law for Michigan and in promoting a strict enforcement of its provisions. Largely because of this pioneer effort of civil responsibility, Dr. Champagne was appointed to 1942 to the Michigan State Board of Dentistry and since 1945 has served as its chairman. National recognition followed in 1958 when Dr. Champagne was elected a member of the Council on Dental Education. The Council acknowledged his ability and dedication by naming him chairman in 1964. Dedicated, public-spirited, devoted to the betterment of the dental profession, Dr. Champagne exemplifies the kind of dentist which the University of Detroit School of Dentistry desires to develop. To underline this purpose and to acknowledge its fulfillment in Dr. Champagne, the University of Detroit desires to give public recognition to him and his work. Reverend President, it is my privilege to present Dr. Joseph L. Champagne for the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science. Commencement, University of Detroit, May 9, 1965.

University of Detroit

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