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University Honors

Governor, State of Michigan

Honorary Doctor of Laws



Upon the Honorable Wilbur Marion Brucker, Governor of the State of Michigan, scholastic son and Bachelor of Laws of the University of Michigan, for that during a brilliant professional and political career he has impressed himself upon the people of his state as an honest and competent lawyer in private and official practice; for that as the Attorney General of the state he has set and maintained a high standard of official oversight; and for that as governor during a period of great stress he has met and sought earnestly to solve grave problems of government with wisdom and intense human sympathy, and in particular has guarded with jealous care and judicious foresight the sacred interests of education and culture, I by the authority in me vested as President of the University of Detroit, confer the degree of Doctor of Laws for the sake of honor, and welcome him to a place on the roll of these upon whom the University has conferred it academic distinctions. Commencement, University of Detroit, June 10, 1932.

University of Detroit

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