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Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Bendix Corporation

Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters



Throughout history leadership has been the keynote of national greatness. Thus, in an era when the world's greatest nation looks for the leadership which will guide it in the difficult decades ahead, you have stood out as an individual capable of supplying this important quality. Already your many considerable achievements have distinguished you for this role. At the young age of thirty-eight, you not only became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bendix, one of American's largest corporations, but recognizing the inherent responsibilities which business has toward society, you immediately extended the benefits of your expertise to those outside the business world. Today, your presence is felt in a variety of civic, governmental, charitable and educational institutions. You have served as Chairman of the President's Industrial Advisory Committee on Economic and Trade Policy, and continue to serve as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the United Negro College Fund, and as a director of the National Council for U.S.-China Trade, the United Foundation, the Detroit Renaissance Foundation, and the Detroit Economic Growth Council. In recognition of your tremendous past and present leadership contributions, and the future contributions which these portend, it is a privilege to present you with this Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. Commencement, University of Detroit, May 10, 1980.

University of Detroit

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