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Subtitle: Movements Among Our People in Ohio.

Title: Colored American - April 24, 1841

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

The writer reports on the outcome of a recent convention in Ohio, and adds comments on activities taking place in that state concerning African American organizations.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Ohio Land.

Title: Colored American - August 21, 1841

Speaker or author: J.

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

The writer alerts his readers to land for sale in Ohio at a reasonable cost.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: The Laws of Ohio.

Title: Colored American - July 22, 1837

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

The writer calls for an appeal of the oppressive laws that restrict the African American people of Ohio.

Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Subtitle: Kidnapping in Ohio.

Title: Colored American - May 22, 1841

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

Brief account of a situation in Ohio where three white men went on trial for kidnapping and selling into slavery a black man. The men could not be convicted since the only witness against them was African American.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: To Our Subcribers in Ohio.

Title: Colored American - October 31, 1840

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

The editor alerts his readers in Ohio that they will be attempting to collect past due subscription payments from them.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Ohio State Convention in Support of Independent Nominations.

Title: Colored American - September 19, 1840

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Colored American (1837 - 1842)

A brief overview of a politically focused convention held in Ohio. One of the topics covered was the link between slavery and politics.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Anti-Republicanism in Ohio.

Title: Elevator - October 6, 1865

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Elevator (1865 - 18??)

The writer offers his views on the platform of General Jacob Cox, a candidate for governor of Ohio.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Vallandigham's Exile Endorsed by the People of Ohio.

Title: Pacific Appeal - October 17, 1863

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Pacific Appeal (1862 - 188?)

The writer provides a brief commentary on the recent election in Ohio and the defeat of Clement Vallandigham.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: The Herald of Freedom and the Colored People of Ohio.

Title: Provincial Freeman - November 3, 1855

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Provincial Freeman (1853 - 1859)

The editor comments on the recent demise of the Herald of Freedom newspaper.

Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Subtitle: The Colored Citizens of Ohio.

Title: Voice of the Fugitive - February 12, 1852

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)

Brief commentary on a recent convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio. The African American population of that state agreed to stay in the U.S. rather than migrate to Canada.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Progress of Liberty in Ohio.

Title: Voice of the Fugitive - March 12, 1851

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)

The writer expresses his opinion about the recent attempt to reinstate the black laws in Ohio.

Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Subtitle: High Handed Kidnapping.

Title: Voice of the Fugitive - March 26, 1851

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)

The writer discusses recent incidents where free people of color have been kidnapped under the Fugitive Slave Law.

Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

Subtitle: Colored People of Ohio.

Title: Voice of the Fugitive - May 20, 1852

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)

The writer points out that the statistical information on African Americans living in Ohio directly contradicts the beliefs espoused by Colonizationists that African Americans are unable to care for themselves.

Description of file(s): one scanned newspaper column

Subtitle: Kidnapping in Canada.

Title: Voice of the Fugitive - May 7, 1851

Speaker or author: editor

Newspaper or publication: Voice of the Fugitive (1851 - 1852)

The writer tells of one man's experience while guiding 25 fugitive slaves to freedom.

Description of file(s): one scanned, two columned, newspaper page

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