McNichols Campus Syllabus Guidelines & Required Statements

University of Detroit Mercy recognizes the importance of syllabi as documents that reflect the creative and intellectual endeavors of its faculty. Faculty have the right to determine the substance of their syllabi within the guidelines of their college/school/program. Therefore, with the exception of required syllabus statements at the bottom of this page, this document refers to the format of syllabi and not to content. The checklists below describe the minimum guidelines for a course syllabus. Individual colleges/schools/programs may require additional information.

A course syllabus should indicate clearly to students what is expected of them in the course and how they are to be evaluated. Students must receive the course syllabus no later than the first synchronous class session or the beginning of term. The syllabus should be made available in digital format with relevant hyperlinks.

Basic Course Information

  • Official course title
  • Course and section number
  • Catalog description of the course, verbatim from the current catalog:
  • Any additional instructor-generated description of the course
  • Number of credit hours
  • Days and times of synchronous class sessions (face-to-face or online)
  • Course prerequisites/corequisites, if relevant

Instructor Information

  • Instructor's name and title
  • Office hours, office location and/or instructions for online office hours
  • Telephone number
  • Detroit Mercy email address
  • Names of teaching assistants and/or other instructors, if applicable

More Detailed Course Information

  • Learning outcomes (broader, programmatic statements) and objectives (more specific, course-based statements) that indicate what a student should be able to achieve upon completion of the course and compliance with the instructor’s requirements
  • Required texts and materials, including technology resources beyond ITS recommendations for technology, if applicable.
  • Required meetings anticipated outside of regularly scheduled meeting times including, but not limited to, observations, service learning, small group assignments, etc.
  • Basic description of grading and, if applicable, the weights assigned to each course component
  • A “subject-to-change” statement covering the tentative class timeline/schedule and the entire syllabus
  • Proposed timeline or schedule for the course

Course and University Policies

  • Instructor/Course policies regarding attendance and absences; class participation; classroom and/or online decorum; assignment deadlines; cancelled sessions; formation of and participation in team/group projects (if applicable), etc.
  • Statement of, or link to, relevant university and college/school policies and procedures (e.g., mission statements, student handbooks, academic integrity standards and/or policies)

Online Licensure Statement (where applicable)

Federal Regulations mandate a statement indicating one of the following must be included in the syllabus of any online program that will require licensure in the home state of the student:

  • Notice that the institution’s online program either does or does not qualify the student for licensure in her/his state of residence; or
  • Notice that the institution cannot confirm whether or not the online program meets licensure requirements in the student’s state of residence and a list of current contact information for any applicable licensing boards

Related policies:

Accessibility of Course Content Policy

Course Copyright Policy

Instructional Continuity and Class Cancellation Protocol

Recording of Class Sessions Policy

Student Absence Policy



Student Support Resources: University of Detroit Mercy has a wide array of support services available for free to all students. We encourage all members of the community to be aware of this list of student support resources — including contact information for reporting incidents or concerns. Students can also refer to the webpage for Current Students for further information.

Technology Recommendations: University of Detroit Mercy Information Technology Services (ITS) posts current recommendations for student technology needs — including hardware, software, and internet connectivity — on their website.

Important Announcements: Important messages will be communicated through Blackboard and/or emailed to your Detroit Mercy email address.

University-Authorized Absences: The university recognizes that attending class is essential for student learning and engagement. In cases of university-authorized absences for university-sponsored activities, religious observances, or exigent circumstances, instructors shall provide students the opportunity to make up missed work without penalty up to 10% of the course meeting time. Instructors shall determine how students may access, substitute, and/or submit missed work. Students are responsible for all course content and activities missed due to university-authorized absences.

Instructional Continuity and Class Cancellation: Instructional continuity refers to the continuation of instruction during unforeseen campus closure or instructor absence. Should the need to cancel a class session occur, students will be contacted through Blackboard and/or their Detroit Mercy email address. The following procedures will be in place to ensure continuity of instruction in this course: [Faculty should describe their plan(s)]. Students are responsible for all course material provided through this instructional continuity plan.

Disability and Accessibility Support: We are committed to providing equal access to learning opportunities for all students. Student Accessibility Services works collaboratively with students who have disabilities to arrange effective accommodations. If you encounter any barrier to participation in your education because of a disability and would like to seek accommodations, you can begin the process on our website or contact us at or 313-993-1938. 

Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination: The University does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.  If you experience discrimination or harassment based on sex, race, religion, disability, or other protected characteristics, you can make a report or complaint online to the Office of Equal Opportunity or contact the Executive Director and Title IX Coordinator, Megan Novell, directly at (313) 993-1802 or to learn about your options for support and resolution.  Please be aware that most University employees, including all faculty members, are mandated to report allegations of sex discrimination on your behalf if they learn of them.  Information about confidential resources, reporting options, the specific rights of pregnant and parenting students, and our Nondiscrimination Policy are available on the OEO website.

Reporting Bias-Motivated Incidents: University of Detroit Mercy is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff. Acts of intolerance, discrimination, or harassment due to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, race, religious belief, sexual orientation, or veteran status are not tolerated (see Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy) and should be reported by contacting the Dean of Students.

Compliance with Student Policies: University of Detroit Mercy students are expected to be familiar with and comply with student-related policies and practices, including those found in the Detroit Mercy Student Handbook. The Student Handbook also contains contact information for the Dean of Students and the Dean of each College/School.

Academic Integrity: As members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of truth and with a special concern for values, University of Detroit Mercy students must conform to the highest standard of honesty and integrity in their academic work. The fundamental assumption under which the University operates is that work submitted by a student is a product of their own efforts. Among the most serious academic offensives is plagiarism, submitting the ideas or work of another source without acknowledgment or documentation. The consequences of plagiarism or any act of academic dishonesty may range from failure in a course to dismissal from the university.

Course copyright: All course materials students receive or have online access to are protected by copyright laws. Students may use course materials and make copies for their own use as needed, but unauthorized distribution and/or uploading of materials without the instructor’s express permission is strictly prohibited. Students who engage in the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials may be held in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and/or liable under Federal and State laws. In addition, distributing completed essays, labs, homework, exams, quizzes, or other assignments constitutes a violation of the Student Conduct policy.

Recording of Class Sessions: Video/audio recordings of class sessions (face-to-face or online) may be recorded for the benefit of students in the class. Recordings will be shared via platforms with access limited to other members of the class. I will attain consent from students if recordings of student comments or images will be shared with a broader audience. Students are prohibited from recording class sessions unless instructor permission has been granted. In the case of ADA accommodations, recordings of class sessions may not be shared or distributed.

Religious Observances: It is the policy of University of Detroit Mercy to respect the faith and religious obligations of each student. Students with exams and classes that conflict with their religious observances should notify their instructor at the beginning of the semester in order to work out a mutually agreeable alternative. Please note that, regardless of whether an absence is “excused” or “unexcused,” the student is responsible for all missed course content and activities.

Required for Face-to-Face Classes

Classroom Conduct: As members of the Detroit Mercy campus community, your safety, health, and well-being are important, and we want to be able to support you in any way that we can. Students are required to follow current university safety protocol and any additional protocol included in the course syllabus. Refer to the Health Advisories website for up-to-date information and policies. Members of the university community should regularly monitor their health and seek appropriate medical attention if needed and do not attend class while ill. Contact your instructor ASAP about missed course content. Students may contact the Wellness Center at 313-993-1185 or for support or guidance. In addition, students and instructors should wash their hands frequently and avoid eating in classrooms. Students who do not follow these policies are violating standards of student conduct and will be subject to disciplinary action through the Dean of Students’ Office. 



Blackboard: In this course we will be using Blackboard for assignments, activities, and/or discussion. Students should have regular access to Blackboard and their Detroit Mercy email. The use of student data in Blackboard conforms to the Family and Educational Rights and Policy Act (FERPA) and information policies of University of Detroit Mercy. Downloading the Blackboard mobile app will also allow you to view content and participate in courses on an iOS or Android mobile device.


Universal Design for Learning: I am committed to the principle of universal learning. This means that our classroom, virtual spaces, practices, and interactions have been designed to be as inclusive as possible. If you have a particular need, please email me or arrange a meeting with me so I can help you learn in this course. I will treat any information that you share as private and confidential. Contact Student Accessibility Services to seek official accommodations due to a disability or emergency medical condition.

Learning Environment: Universities provide a safe haven for multiple perspectives and for disagreement and dissent. However, all of our conversations should be pursued in the spirit of mutual respect and civility. Together we will work to create an environment in which every voice and perspective is heard and respected. The use of harmful or exclusionary language, including language that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic, would erode what we are trying to accomplish in our course and is not acceptable in the university classroom.